Saturday 18 January 2020

Ng Yu Kai (Sri KL) Scored A (88%) in IGCSE Physics 0625 in Winter 2019 Exams.

18.01.2020 (PJ):

Two days ago , Ng Yu Kai of Sri KL Int'l School - who took IGCSE Physics 0625 tuition from me - texted to say that he scored 88% (A) for the subject in the Oct/Nov 2019 exams.

His 1st physics tuition lesson with me was on 30/06/2019 in which he told me he had not been doing well and had been struggling to pass physics all these while.

We started with 'Electricity, Electro-magnetism and Electronics" - the chapters he was dealing with in school then; then 'Atomic Physics'. His score for these chapters were near perfect in the mock/final exams - however, the scores for the chapters not yet covered by my tuition were quite a disaster. Overall, his score for physics in the mock/final exams were only 50% (pls see his texted msg below)

So, I need to do what I got to do as time was running out - to brush him up on the areas not yet covered. And, the final score in the formal exams in Oct/Nov 2019 was: A (88%).

Heartiest congrats to him!

Don't forget to work doubly hard in foundation/A-level because I have seen students who did well in IGCSE-level but not so well in CIE or IB Diploma level mainly because of over-confidence - 1 month holidays means 1 month break from study/tuition totally. 10-day break shd be enough - when the going gets tough, the tough must get going!

Haha, here are his texted messages to me on the result-day (16.01.2020) and I will post his result-slip here when I receive it. :)

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