Tuesday 13 August 2019

Natalia Lim Scored A (88%) for IGCSE Add-Maths 0606 in June 2019 Exams

Natalia was a home-schooled student - she was either taught by her mum or a tutor like me (for subject like IGCSE Physics 0625).

This year (May /June 2019): She sat for 2 more subjects - IGCSE Add-Maths 0606 n Economics (taught, I think, by her capable mum) and she scored A for both (88% for Add-Maths) - results slip above.

Last year (Oct /Nov 2018): Natalia sat for 4 subjects - all of which she obtained A or A*. The subject that she took tuition from me was IGCSE Physics 0625 and she scored A* (90%) - please see an earlier congratulatory blog-post on this.

Heartiest congrats to Rachel n Natalia - it's A* or A for all subjects! :)


1) Natalia's Mum has since recommended NC (of Gdn Int'l Sch, daughter of her medical-doctor friends) to take tuition from me for the IGCSE subjects of Physics 0625 and Add-Maths 0606 at the same hourly fees as Natalia's (RM100/hr + RM30 per to-and-return Ampang trip).

2) Available tuition slots: If you need tuition slot(s), the best time to get them from me will be immediately after Summer or Winter exams in June/July and November/December respectively.

WhatsApp me at: 011-2120 1608.

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