Friday 25 August 2017

Caroline W. McLean Scored A* for Both Chemistry (4CHO) n Physics (4PHO) in 2017 Edexcel Int'l GCSE May /June Exams

Yesterday (24.08.2017, Thurs) at 1020 pm:

Caroline W. McLean (Alice Smith Int'l Sch) texted happy news to inform that in the recent 2017 Edexcel Int'l GCSE May /June exams, she: "... passed Chemistry and Physics with 2 A*'s ...". She used the humble word "passed" when in fact it was "excelled" in the 2 subjects with A* - that's typical of interesting Caroline!

Caroline took tuition from me in 3 Edexcel O-level subjects: Chemistry (4CHO), Physics (4PHO) and Math (4MAO). She started with Chemistry - then she requested tuition too for Physics n Math nearer to her formal exams.

My heartiest congratulations to this gymnast-looking sweet girl, Caroline W. McLean!

Nice of you indeed to inform me of your results!

Best wishes for your next phase, Caroline! :)

Douglas Tan

WhatsApp No.: 011 2120 1608

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