Friday 24 January 2014

2013 Oct/Nov IGCSE Cambridge (Physics 0625) Results Are Out Today!

24.1.2014Alistair Yong called an hour ago to convey gratitude and good news: he obtained A (85 marks) for his IGCSE Cambridge Physics 0625 (Oct/Nov 2013 exams). His Mum sms too. His Mum was happy so was I. Alistair is a bright kid who has been consistent and diligent in his study...Even on the eve of his Paper 1, we spent an hour or so at TTDI Starbucks reinforcing him...the 1-to-1 hours together paid off...It's a great news for my birthday tomorrow... :)

Danial who took over Alistair's mobile informed that his score is slightly below Alistair's (he told me the details). Danial might be asking for re-marking. And, I support that because from July 2012 until his recent exams, his scores for all the exercises I gave have been consistently higher than his current score...Let's see the final outcome.

More results are pouring in ... Absalom W.  who did his IGCSE Cambridge Maths 0580 with me - meaning, I tutored him - told me that he hasn't obtained his results yet - he is from different international school. All indications are: he would do well: Fyi, he was and I think still is the 10th fastest in Malaysia for the "Rubick Cube" challenge. At Starbucks, he did it under 30 seconds (the Rubick Cube was personally 'messed-up' by me)...haha...I think to impress either cute Angela or Ayiesha rather than me, right? Well, why not? For the 10th position he did it in 20 seconds...

We studied hard and we also have fun together - interesting and memorable times. Absalom also holds a diploma in piano and teaches piano during free time...

Next, may be I should write about Angela Loo (Absalom's classmate) ....stay connected for more...

25.1.2014 (12.35 pm):
1) Angela Loo - my student for IGCSE Cambridge Physics 0625 and IGCSE Cambridge O-Maths 0580 - called to share the good news: She obtained A+ for Physics and A for her O-Maths. Fantastic! My heartiest congrats!! I also learnt that she was the top student - scoring straight/full As: 4 A+ and 2 As - her HM actually posted a congrats note in her international school's blog.

2) Birthday wishes in cutest wordings from a former student: here (doesn't show - plug-in needed)

10:46pm - received this sms from Absalom (my 2013 IGCSE Cambridge O-Maths 0580 student) : "Mr. Douglas! I failed you! :(     I got only an A." (See, scoring an A means failing me - that's the kind of attitude we want our students to have!! The target was A+)

10:57pm - replied to him: "Hey, don't be upset - you probably miss by a whisker juz like... - may be not careful in your working - still a great improvement from d day I first (met) u - ..., Congrats!!! ...Gdnite :)"

11:01pm - Absalom replied: "Hahaha! Sure! :)) (big grin) Thanks for everything! I hope you"ll never forget me! Because I will never forget a great teacher (sic: tutor) like you! Good nights."

7.2.2014 - Found out yesterday from Zach and Brandon (Angela's juniors) during their IGCSE Cambridge Maths 0580 lesson with me: that Angela not only scored A+ and A for my physics (0625) and O-maths (0580) respectively but also A+s and As for all other subjects she took - Happy go lucky Angela was the top student with 4A+s and 2As. Starbucks meal on me when we meet!!! By the way, she was the only one who won a Starbucks drink from me for successfully solving a physics challenge-question thrown at her group of 5 - that was an early sign of good things to come. I'm really happy for you, Angela!

Today is the day US President Obama visited Malaysia. Air Force One touched down at Subang RMAF air base at 4.50 pm and so it was reported. Welcome to Malaysia, Mr. President! The people in this region surely have not forgotten the sacrifice and the constructive role the Americans played during World War II to end the war! Life and history would have been very different if not because of the Americans. So, a warm welcome to US President Obama!

On this historic day, at around 6 pm, Angela, Absalom and I were catching up at TTDI Starbucks.

Angela who scored FULL A's - 4 A+ (incl my physics) and 2 A's (incl. my O-maths) - may be leaving to US to further her study soon - can be as early as Sept; I may be spending some time with her over maths (trigo) and chemistry (organic compounds, etc) in the next few weeks.

Absalom looked fitter, now doing double degrees - music (piano) and vocal; and will be competing at ASEAN level music competitions held in Singapore and Thailand soon. He promises to give his best shot and if emerges winners, will email video of his performance for display in this blog.

I encouraged both to be passionate in what they are pursuing: Go all out and leave their marks on world stage! The two are potential world-beaters. Give them a bit of time - I'm sure they have a lot to offer wherever they go!

It was a nice Sat evening...and, I hope they both liked their Starbucks meals (Fusilli chicken, beef lasagna, green tea latte, caramel crm frappucino...)

Best wishes, folks!


Danial's sis (Karina, IGCSE Year 10) will be joining me for physics commencing this coming Sat...Karina is from Garden Int'l School. She gave me the impression of being sharp and a quick learner in our first meeting. Expect her to do very well. Btw, she's very good-looking too :)

* Karina sat for IGCSE May /June 2015 exams. When the results were announced on 11th Aug 2015, true to my expectation, she scored A's for physics and chemistry - the 2 subjects she took tuition from me. In fact,  she scored 7As and 2Bs. 

* On 1st Sept 2015, she (and her family) flew to UK for her to attend a boarding school there. In the morning, I sent her my "Best Wishes". Great! 

* On 26th Oct 2015 (Mon), she was back for 2-week 1st-semester break. We went through Chemistry the next day and 4 other days and she flew back to UK on Nov 7th (Sat). Best wishes, Karina!

* On 18th Dec 2015 (Fri), Karina was back for 2-week end-of-semester break. On 21st Dec (Mon), went thru AQA chemistry with her; will do so for six 2-hr lessons with her before she goes back to UK on 3rd. Jan 2016.)

27.6.2014 (Fri)

Received a nice sms from Zach - a former tuition student who just sat for his 'Summer IGCSE Cambridge Exams'. Zach (a Singaporean) expressed gratitude for teaching him maths and asked if I have time slots for his 2 friends who will be sitting for the coming winter exams (Oct/Nov). Told him K. Xun's Monday slot had been taken up by a Korean student but Friday is available.

28.6.2014: The next day, his friends Sarah (and Shannon Khoo) followed up: After some exchanges, they decided to take up a 2-hr lesson on Fri and another 2-hr lesson on Sunday. Will keep my Saturday free. As always, I will do my best for them.

29.6.2014: Zach is very much into muzic and guitar and was very happy with his progress in maths during his months with me. Even his classmates like Kai Xun (who paid RM3200/mth) noticed his tremendous progress (Note: Zach sms his results on 12/08/2014 night - full transcript of his sms below). That's really wonderful because what we coached worked! Zach's sms mentioned that there might be more of his friends joining...When time slots are limited, may be those with attitude problems (homework given not done, email instructions not read, low on PR skills, etc...) will be dropped to make way...Folks, buck up before it's too late because this Sir may be kind but never indecisive...Get it?!.

Looking forward to my 1st lesson with Sarah and Shannon...

11.7.2014: Today was supposed to be the 1st lesson with Shannon and Sarah. However, due to the semester break, Shannon's family decided to go to Penang for a few days of family outing. Hence, 1st lesson rescheduled to 18.7.2014...this was a blessing in disguise, it gave me slightly more time to complete my preparation for them: compiling the relevant past-year questions into the 37 syllabus areas. Preparation completed in time!

18.7.2014 (Fri): 1st lesson with Sarah and Shannon - both gave me very good impression: Diligent, have complete support facilities at home (functional printers, computer with relevant soft-wares all available), can be contacted by hand-phones all the times. Good people-relation skills. Both are good-looking. Shannon goes for advanced ballet classes 4 times a week. Sarah's maternal side is VIP.

1.8.2014 (Fri): Shannon and Sarah decided to increase the lessons from 2x a week to 3x a week - 2 hours each. To allow that to happen, some adjustments and rescheduling may have to be made.

2014 May/June Results Are Out Today!

12.8.2014 (Tues) Night, 10.38 pm: Zach sms: "Sorry to bother you this late Mr. Douglas, I just got my maths results today and I scored 79 (B)...I just want to thank you for helping me achieve that from E :) " This is really wonderful. I am expecting more good news...Stay connected to this post...

13.8.2014 (Wed) Night, 8.08 pm: K. Xun sms: "...I got my Physics and Add Maths results. Both also B...I can't imagine it...They were so surprised...Thanks for teaching me. If not, don't even think I could pass..." K. Xun came to me (through Zach's recommendation) when everyone has given up hope on him. He related to me some hurtful remarks made to him in his class. My initial assessment was: He's a bright kid with very good learning attitude - very keen to learn. I knew he could be 'rescued'. So I took it as a challenge and did the best that I could for him, particularly when the parents are such a good pay-master - always paid punctually on the 1st lesson of every month (RM3200/mth). From single-digit marks (6 or 7 marks), he now obtains B for both Physics and Add Maths! His parents are happy, so am I!. Never give up on yourself even when others have given up on you!! Best wishes, K. Xun!

A Special Day to Remember!

22.8.2014 (Fri): 3 years ago, on this day in the evening, my Mum passed away at the age of 83. Mum is a great lady - very patient, kind and loving. Imagine in those days without washing machine, she would hand-wash all our clothing - 10 kids (incl. me). Hand-wash your own clothes and you will know what she must have gone through - not just for 1 day but all the years that we grew up! A great sacrifice that will never be forgotten...forever!

Whenever we returned to visit her, she would never fail to cook the dish that we individually liked!

Really regret that couldn't visit her with my kids as often as I should in her sunset years. She has many grand daughters and 3 grandsons of whom 2 grandsons (including 1st grandson) and 1 granddaughter were 'contributed' by me. Among her grown granddaughters are: an Auckland-trained doctor (now in Melbourne) and a lawyer (now working for a world-class international law firm with regional HQ in S'pore) - soon, there will be a dentist, another doctor, more lawyers and ...

Mum is very thrifty by nature: in her sunset years, although kids can afford to let her have regular hairdos, she would rather keep her simple and humble look so that the kids need not spend on her! If you ever see an old lady with a simple and humble look in the street, don't look down on her: because this old lady may just be thrifty...for her kids.

Went to a religious place to spend some time (about 30 minutes) praying for Mum and her soul. I also asked for forgiveness for failure to visit her as often as I should in her sunset years with my kids. That I regret forever... May my Mum rest in peace...On 31/3/2014 (during the Cheng Ming festival), I and my kids visited Mum's grave in Ipoh with flowers...We'll miss Mum forever...Whenever we drop by Ipoh, we would and will visit her grave...(On 16/11/2014, after spending 4-day break at Pangkor (please see below), on the way back to Klang Valley, decided to drive north to visit Mum's grave - we brought along flowers which we think Mum likes and spent some time at Mum's grave before heading back)


12.11.2014 (Wed):

In the morning: Spent an hour or so with Shannon on IGCSE Chemistry 0620. Shannon will be sitting for Chem Papers 13 and 33 and a Biz paper as well tomorrow. Thereafter, it's a well-deserved 1.5 months break-cum-holidays for her. Happy Holidays, Shannon. By the way, you looked real great after horse-riding the other morning! Have fun!!

In the afternoon, have 2 hours of Add-Maths with my Korean student Ms Kim SH @ S. Recipe Plaza Mont Kiara. She would be visiting Universal Studio Singapore this weekend...

Karina of Gdn International School was away in UK for an entrance exams since the beginning of this month. Should be back any time now. Hope she did well. On 22nd, we will resume our physics lessons...


Need Help In Physics, Chemistry and Maths in or around Petaling Jaya?

Good News: Vacant tuition slots are now up for grab!

(June 18th, 2017):


Summer May/June 2017 IGCSE O-level and Edexcel O-level exams were just over. As such, some tuition slots are available for grabs on '1st-come-1st-serve" (3 slots have been taken). A few more slots are available for the following subjects:

* IGCSE: Math 0580 (Angela Loo, Absalom Wong, ... scored A's)
                Math 0606 (Nicole Gan scored A (83%), Kai Xun scored B* (79%) ...)
                International Maths 0607 (Zi Zhun waiting results - Switzerland-bound)
                Physics 0625 (Nicole Gan scored A* (93%), Lim Jin Quan A* (mark NA),...)
                Chemistry 0620; (Nicole Gan scored A* (94%), Lim Jin Quan A* (mark NA),...)

* Edexcel: Maths 4MAO / 4MBO / 4PMO (Previously taught 4MBO / 4PMO at Int'l Sch)
                 Chemistry 4CHO (Just tutored Ms. McLean Maths 4MAO, Chem n Physics)
                 Physics 4PHO (Ms. McLean waiting for results)

(CIE AS/A2: Chemistry 9701 / Physics 9702 can be considered if approached early)

Sms or whatsapp me Douglas at: 011-2120 1608; or,

Thank you.



13.11.2014 (Thurs) - 16.11.2014 (Sun)

Early in the morning, off I went to an island resort for a 4-day break. Manage to send a "Best Wishes" sms to Shannon for her Chem papers. Shannon informed around noon that the Chem papers were okay. This bright and charming girl will do well or very well. Hope for the best and Happy Holidays, Shannon. (When the results were out in Jan 2015, Shannon scored A (83) for her Chem, all her other subjects (biology, etc.) she scored As too - great girl!. Congrats!)

Nice seafood and highly-oxygenated air are the 2 things I liked most on my first day in the resort with Amanda and Alfred. We loved the seafood lunch and dinner - oyster omelet, oak-fried prawns and other prawn dishes, sliced fish with ginger and spring onion, seaweed soup, kai lan vegie with assortment of seafood and meat, ...- and of course the refreshing sea breeze...!

14.11.2014 (Fri): After light western breakfasts, off we went islands hopping and snorkelling. The weather was perfect: Sea was calm, sky was overcast (so no sunburn), many international tourist were joining the fun just before we left to a pristine beach for an hour of picnic. Back to the resort by noon. When back, will certainly share photos (including beautiful sun-set and the beautiful people watching it...hehe)

15.11.2014 (Sat): Both Amanda and Alfred agreed that lunch of the day was really good and worth the price...In the evening, we saw complete 'double rainbows' for the first time...really beautiful...The colours of the inside rainbow are laterally inverted from those of the outside rainbow and physics students should be able to explain that natural phenomenon...(will show photos) be continued...

11.8.2015 (IGCSE May/June 2015 Results Day)

IGCSE May/June 2015 exams results are known today!, Yeah, my student Karina (Gdn Int'l School) scored 7As. The 7As include the 2 subjects (physics and chemistry) she took tuition from me. She had earlier on gone to UK to attend a qualifying test for admission into a boarding school there. And, on Sept 1st 2015, she flew off to UK with her Mom and Dad, to prepare for her new education phase at the UK - ringgit's severe depreciation is NO problem to Karina's family. Best wishes!


Need Help In Physics, Chemistry and Maths in or around Petaling Jaya?

Good News: Vacant tuition slots are now up for grab!

(May 30th, 2016): Summer May/June 2016 IGCSE O-level and CIE AS/A2 exams are ending. As such, some tuition slots are available for grabs on '1st-come-1st-serve". The tuition slots are for:

* IGCSE: Math 0580
                Math 0606
                Physics 0625
                Chemistry 0620

(Edexcel Maths and Physics; SPM Maths, Physics and Chemistry - hourly rates: min. RM80/hr 1-to-1 or RM50/hr/student for group of 2 to 4)

* CIE AS/A2: Chemistry 9701 (min RM110/hr 1-to-1)

WhatsApp me Douglas at: 011-2120 1608 or, 

Thank you.


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