Thursday 25 April 2013

A's for Physics, Chemistry and ALL Subjects in SPM 2012

They were my 1st batch of SPM tuition students from SMK (Girls) Sri Aman and they excelled!

Congrats to ALL 8 of them as  follows:

1. Huda Liyana (9As - physics A+)
2. Adina Bt. Ahmad Bakhtiar (10As - Top in Maths)
3. Hana Suhaila (10As)
4. Siti Sara (10As)
5. Ksherah (10As)
6. Niraanjana Sunathan (9As)

They all scored FULL A's (A's for ALL subjects) in SPM 2012; and, a few scored A+ for PHYSICS. The sweetest thing is: They all took physics tuition from me and a few took Chemistry too. Huda called and sms the same moment she got the good news - could imagine she must be jumping with joys! Her Mom too sms a nice "Thank You" note.
It could have been 8 scoring FULL A's if not because two of them missed full A's by the whisker.

Missed Full A's By the Whisker:

7. Yasshene Ann (8As)
8. Uma Priya (7As)

Full A's from SMK Taman SEA
1) Manoj (Full A's with A+ for Physics n Chemistry)
2) Huey Mei (Except Moral B+, full A's including Physics, Chemistry, Add-Maths, Mod Maths)

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