Thursday 24 January 2013

Chapter Review Questions: "Intro to Physics" - Form 4 Chapter 1

A)  Base Quantity and Derived Quantity

1.    What is a base quantity? Name 5 base quantities.

2.    Define derived quantity. And, state 5 derived quantities.

3.    State two main advantages of standardisation of all units of measurement for physical quantities.

4.    Give the name and symbol of the SI unit of measurement for each of the following physical quantities:
a.       Length
b.      Mass
c.       Time
d.      Temperature
e.       Current
f.        Force
g.       Energy
h.       Power

5.    Some derived quantities have been given special names by SI (International System of Units). State these derived quantities (that you know of) and their special names.

B)  Standard Form / Scientific Notation / Prefixes

6.    Express each the following physical quantities in its SI unit and in scientific notation to 3 significant figures:

a.    Acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.783 ms-2
b.    Speed of light in vacuum, c = 298,000 kms-1
c.    Length of an onion cell, L = 0.000 028 m
d.    Charge of an electron = -1.6 x 10-7 pC (pico coulombs)

7.    For each of the following symbol of prefixes, state its name and its numerical value in index form (i.e. in power or exponential form):
a.    da
b.    h
c.    k
d.    M
e.    G
f.      T
g.    d
h.    c
i.      m
j.      µ
k.    n
l.      p

8.    Identify the largest and the smallest measurements from the following values:

A.     3.14 x 103 km
B.     3.14 x 108 nm
C.     3.14 x 1010 µm
D.     3.14 x 10-2 cm

9.    Convert:

a.       Density of sea water from 1.05 x 103 kg m-3 to g cm-3
b.      Velocity of cyclist from 5.6 m s-1 to km h-1
c.       Radio frequency from 102.3 MHz to Hz
d.      470 pF to F in standard form to 3 significant figures
e.       0.0006 Gm to Mm
f.        26 µm to mm

C)  Scalar Quantity and Vector Quantity

10.    State the main difference between a scalar quantity and a vector quantity.

11.    An object moves 40 km on a bearing of 090o from O to A in 20 minutes; it then immediately moves north 30 km also in 20 minutes to B. Find:

a.       The total distance travelled by the object from O to B
b.      The final displacement of the object in moving from O to B in terms of both magnitude and bearing from O.
c.       For the whole journey from O to B:
                                                               i.      The object’s average speed
                                                             ii.      The object’s average velocity

12.    Is pressure a scalar or vector quantity? Name 5 scalar quantities.

13.    Name 5 vector quantities and state their respective SI units of measurement.

D)    Measurements in Science

14.     All measurements in science are Man’s attempts to make an acceptable estimate of the true and actual value of a physical quantity – True or False?

15.    The difference between the true and actual value of a physical quantity and the value obtained in a measurement is known as ________________.

16.    There are two main types of errors. State them, describe their differences and how each type of error may be minimised or avoided – give examples where appropriate.

17.    Attempts the following past year SPM questions:

a.         2007 P1 Q3 pg. 92 - Which balance is more sensitive?
b.         2011 P1 Q2 at pg. 280 on sensitivity in measurement
c.         2005 P1 Q2 Pg 3 on consistency and precision in measurement 
d.         2008 P1 Q2 Pg. 140 – consistency and precision
e.         2011 P1 Q1 at pg. 280 – on use of vernier calipers
f.           2005 Paper 1 Q1 at Pg 3 – on use of micrometer srew gauge
g.         2010 Paper 2 Q1 at Pg. 246 – on use of stopwatch to measure 20 oscillations of pendulum
h.    2005 P2 Q1 Pg. 16 – on use of ammeter, anti-parallax mirror, etc.

Need Help In Physics, Chemistry and Maths in or around Petaling Jaya?

Good News: Vacant tuition slots are now up for grab!

(May 30th, 2016): Summer May/June 2016 IGCSE O-level and CIE AS/A2 exams are ending. As such, some tuition slots are available for grabs on '1st-come-1st-serve". The tuition slots are for:

* IGCSE: Math 0580
                Math 0606
                Physics 0625
                Chemistry 0620

(Edexcel Maths and Physics; SPM Maths, Physics and Chemistry - hourly rates: min. RM80/hr 1-to-1 or RM50/hr for group of 2 to 4)

* CIE AS/A2: Chemistry 9701 (min RM110/hr 1-to-1)

WhatsApp me Douglas at: 018-3722 472 or, 

Thank you.