Tuesday 25 December 2012

Heat / Thermal Physics

A)  IGCSE Syllabus: Thermal Physics

B)  SPM: Form 4 Chapter 4 - Heat

Thermal Physics / Heat

Areas Covered (in upcoming posts):

2.    Kinetic Molecular (Particle) Model of Matter

3.    Evaporation and Boiling

4.    Gas and Gas Laws – Pressure, Volume and Temperature

A)      Pressure and Volume (Boyle’s Law)
a.       Pressure and Volume Relationship
b.      Applications

B)       Pressure and Temperature (Pressure Law)
a.       Pressure and Temperature Relationship
b.      Applications (balloon bursts when subject to heat, etc.)

C)      Volume and Temperature (Charles’ Law)
a.       Pressure and Volume Relationship
b.      Applications (hot air balloon, etc.)

(Do the above gas laws explain why pressure increases when we pump more air into, say, a ball or a tyre? the n in the ideal gas law pv = nRT can explain the missing factor) 

5.    Thermal Expansion: Solid, Liquid and Gas

6.    Thermal Quantities – Temperature, Heat Capacities & Latent Heat:

A)      Temperature

B)       Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
a.       Heat Capacity
b.      Specific Heat Capacity
c.       Applications of Specific Heat Capacity

C)      Latent Heat and Specific Latent Heat
a.       Latent Heat
b.      Heating Curve
c.       Cooling Curve
d.      Specific Latent Heat
                                                                 i      Specific Latent Heat of Fusion
                                                                 i      Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation
e.       Applications of Specific Latent Heat

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